Our program seeks to forge a network of trained advocates dedicated to fostering international recognition of gender apartheid for leadership, meaningful participation, and inclusion of Afghan women in political, civic, and social domains in Afghanistan. Participants receive advocacy training and engage in practical advocacy initiatives to assert control over their narratives and propel their collective liberation. Women’s rights activists gather weekly for a ten week interactive program to discuss and reflect on the lived realities under gender apartheid and the challenges encountered in their advocacy efforts. They devise strategies to channel their advocacy efforts effectively, turning demands into actionable plans for change. The strongest movements are built together!

Our program kicked off with a powerful first session. Over 50 Afghan women's rights activists from across Afghanistan and in diaspora participated, including leaders and activists from multiple women led resistance movements. The session opened with Malalai Habibi, a distinguished women's rights activist, providing a powerful analysis of the current Afghan women's current situation, the severe impact of the Taliban's crackdown on Afghan women and shedding light on the urgent challenges they face.

The focus of this session shifted to creating solutions. Fiana Arbab, our gender policy expert, facilitated a collaborative deep dive into the root causes of gender apartheid in Afghanistan, supporting activists to reflect and develop a strong structural analysis. Fiana led an engaging and interactive discussion on the essence of advocacy and initiated the development of an advocacy plan. Together, they tackled the issues head-on with stakeholder mapping and to build on a strategy chart to guide our fight for equality

In session 3, participants engaged in defining their goals for their advocacy plan. Led by Fiana Arbab, we explored advocacy tools and strategies, stakeholder power mapping, setting SMART goals and defining advocacy objectives to facilitate effective advocacy and amplify voices.

Akshay Tarfe, our campaign expert, led participants on how to create a campaign. We reviewed draft campaigns and brainstormed impactful messaging. Session five was all about refining our advocacy campaigns. Under Akshay's guidance, we learned global campaign key activities such as public facing engagement, policy-focused. action research and influencing-focused advocacy work. Together, we're shaping strong and comprehensive campaigns for positive impact!

In session 5, led by Akshay Tarfe, our campaign expert, we continued to hone and refine our advocacy campaigns. our communication strategies and the essence of an impactful campaigns We discussed communication strategies, the essence of an impactful campaigns and engaged in a productive brainstorming session.

Tyler Pry, our policy expert for the European Union and the US government, facilitated session 6 on working in restricted contexts such as Burma/Myanmar, Sudan, and Yemen. We explored techniques employed by other movements to overcome restricts and advance their goals. Finally, we discussed strategies for advocacy in the US and EU, identifying gaps, key actors, and allies and crafting effective messages for direct advocacy.

Vanessa Garcia Polanco, expert in USG lobbying, shared practical strategies and tactics for addressing the US government. Participants actively engaged in discussions about policy makers that would fit their campaigns and explored practical ways to reach their advocacy targets effectively.

In today's socio-political climate, especially under regimes like the Taliban that oppress and suppress activism- particularly targeting the well-being and safety of women activists and protests- it is crucial to foster resilient and sustainable movements despite difficult conditions. Tyler Pry focused on navigating security threats under a dictatorship while engaging in activism. The session was highly engaging, featuring Afghan activists, members and leaders of resistance movements in Afghanistan. They shared their strategies and tactics for staying safe while continuing their resistance and advocacy efforts.

We completed our program graduating 41 women and civil rights activists in Afghanistan. Throughout the program, participants successfully implemented what they learn in their own activist movement efforts.